Posts By: Oihane Lakar

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INCA presents the genealogy of digital transformations in Romania

15 March 2024

On 14 March 2024, the INCA partners Niccolò Cuppini and Maurilio Pirone offered a Sociology Research Seminar in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, hosted by the Babeș-Bolyai…

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“Infrastructure and Platforms. Emerging Political Mutations” paper published

8 February 2024

The INCA partner Niccolò Cuppini, from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), has curated the last issue…

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Investigating the Hegemony of Digital Platforms: What INCA is about

22 December 2023

While promoting economic growth and labour transformations, digital platforms pose challenges to policymakers and citizens in relation to people’s participation in decision-making…

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To share or not to share: can data sharing be a viable strategy in platform competition?

19 December 2023

Third INCA workshop On 13 December 2023, the Alexander Von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) team of the INCA project…

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Report on the historical relationship between democracies and the economy

15 December 2023

The INCA partner UNIBO has conducted an ambitious and in-depth historical analysis of the historical relationship between democracies and the economy. This…

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Spain’s Rider Law at the Twentieth Historical Materialism Conference

13 November 2023

On 9 November 2023, the University of Barcelona’s INCA teams gave a presentation at the Twentieth Historical Materialism Conference at SOAS (London)….

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Who is who in INCA?

24 May 2023

A consortium of 11 partners from different countries in Europe makes up the multidisciplinary team of this project. We have conducted interviews…

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Exhibition by INCA: Data is a relation, not a property

16 May 2023

The Bologna Attiva team by the INCA partner Fondazione Innovazione Urbana (FIU), worked together with Into the Black Box, formed among others by…