Big Tech Emerging Power: Insights from the European Landscape
Fourth INCA workshop
On 16 May, as part of the programme of the first INCA scientific meeting held in Donostia/San Sebastian, took place the fourth INCA workshop entitled ‘Big Tech Emerging Power: Insights from the European Landscape’.
Sandro Mezzadra, professor of political theory at the Universitat di Bologna, moderated the critical dialogue. The main speaker was Nick Srnicek, senior lecturer in Digital Economy at the Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London. Nick’s current interests are in the digital economy, digital development, anti-work politics, and the development of Marxist economics. His most recent book, Platform Capitalism, sets out a framework for understanding the novelties of businesses like Google, Amazon, and Alibaba – as well as how digital platforms generate new tendencies within our economies.
The conversation between them covered multiple aspects of big techs: their infrastructural character, the investments they make, alternative uses of platforms, geopolitical aspects, the relationship between the digital and energy transitions and the role that tech giants are playing in them…
The analysis carried out between Mezzadra and Srnicek, also counted with the participation of the attending researchers who did not hesitate to make their contributions to the discussion.
You can follow the whole dialogue in the following video.