The University of Wrocław has been operating since 1702 and is one of the oldest universities in Central Europe. We build on the historical heritage of Silesia and the legacy of Austrian, Prussian, Czech and Polish culture, continuing also the traditions of the Polish universities in Lviv and Vilnius. The university holds the title of Research University as the only university in Lower Silesia and one of ten in Poland.
All activities of the University of Wrocław are based on two fundamental values: truth and freedom of expression. The European character of an open and tolerant institution of higher education is emphasized by its geographic and cultural situation – on the borderland between Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany. Its mission is to conduct and promote the highest, top-quality research.
Role in INCA: The University of Wrocław team is the leader of certain tasks in WP2 and WP5 and is participating in different tasks of WP1, WP2, WP5 and WP6.
INCA Team members:

Dr hab. Adam Mrozowicki, assoc. prof., University of Wrocław
Adam Mrozowicki leads the Polish team in the INCA project and is Head of the Department of the Sociology of Work and Economic Sociology at the Institute of Sociology, University of Wroclaw since October 2017.–Adam-Mrozowicki-prof-UWr
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Adam received his PhD degree in social sciences in 2009 from the Centre for Sociological Research at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven, Belgium). He works at the Institute of Sociology (University of Wroclaw) since October 2009. In 2016, he obtained a postdoctoral degree in social sciences in the discipline of sociology, specialization in the sociology of economy at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Wroclaw. His research interests include sociology of work, sociology of economy, comparative research on collective labour relations, research on precarity, critical social realism and methodology of biographical research. At the University of Wroclaw, he led research teams in the research projects funded by the 7th Framework Programme and Horizon Europe of the EU, the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission, the Foundation for Polish Science and the National Science Centre in Poland. Chairman of the Scientific Discipline Council of Sociological Sciences at the University of Wrocław in 2019-2020 and for the term 2020-2024, Vice-Chairman of the Section of Sociology of Labour of the Polish Sociological Association, member of the editorial board of the Sociological Review and Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research. Principal investigator / consortium leader in the National Science Centre OPUS project: ‘COV-WORK: Socio-economic consciousness, work experiences and coping strategies of Poles in the context of the post-pandemic crisis.”

Dr Szymon Pilch
PhD in sociology. Szymon Pilch is a research assistant in the Department of Work and Economic Sociology at the Institute of Sociology, University of Wrocław, working within the INCA project, led by Prof. Adam Mrozowicki. Szymon holds MA in sociology (2018) and PhD in sociology (2023).
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His research interests include sociology of work, economic sociology, sociology of organisations, platform work, digital economy, industrial relations, business processes outsourcing. Since January 2021, he has been in charge of a research project funded by the National Science Centre, Poland, NCN PRELUDIUM 20 (UMO-2021/41/N/HS6/00557) entitled ” IT specialists in outsourcing centers for business services in Poland. Sociological study of experience of work”, carried out at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Wrocław. The project is part of his PhD dissertation. He is Vice-President of the Polish Sociological Society Wrocław Branch since 2021. Member of the European Sociological Association (RN17) and the International Sociological Association (RC 44) since 2023. He has been a member of four research projects funded by national (National Science Centre, Poland) and international (Foundation for German-Polish Cooperation) sources. He was a principal investigator in two research projects funded by the funds of the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Wrocław.

Olga Gitkiewicz
MA in sociology, Olga Gitkiewicz works as a journalist, reporter, press and book editor.
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Olga defended her thesis on Lower Silesian NGOs at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Wrocław in 2004. She has since Scholarship holder of the International Visegrad Fund, Fundacji Współpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej (The Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation), and Miasta Stołecznego Warszawa (The City of Warsaw). An author of social reportage and a columnist for the monthly magazine “Znak.” In 2017, her book “Nie hańbi” (Don’t Be Ashamed) about the Polish labor market earned her nominations for the Ryszard Kapuściński Award for Literary Reportage, the Nike Literary Award, and the Teresa Torańska Newsweek Award. Reportage “Nie zdążę” (I won’t make it) (2019) was awarded the Grand Press’ Reporters’ Book of the Year, while her biographical essay “Krahelska. Krahelska” (2021) received a nomination for the Warsaw Literary Award. Gitkiewicz collaborates with the Institute of Reportage and the Polish School of Reportage, and is currently working on a doctoral dissertation in the Department of Sociology of Labor and Economy at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Wrocław on care, solidarity, and recognition in contemporary labor relations. Her research interests include the sociology of labor, sociology of organizations, history of industrial relations, platform labor, and public services.