The INCA team in the 16th Sociological Congress of the European Sociological Association

3 September 2024 By

On 27-30 August, INCA partners Olga Gitkiewicz and Szymon Pilch (University of Wrocław) participated in the 16th Sociological Congress of the European Sociological Association (ESA), entitled ‘Tension, Trust, and Transformation’.

Our colleagues from the University of Wroclaw presented part of the work they are carrying out in the framework of the INCA project, studying the dynamic landscape of industrial relations (IR) structures in selected European countries, exploring the multi-faceted impact of platformisation on the economy in the context of varieties of capitalism in Europe.

Specifically, their presentation at the ESA conference focused on the case of Poland, under the title ‘There is More to Struggle: IR Dynamics in the Platform Economy. The Case of Poland’.