First INCA Scientific Meeting

17 May 2024 By

On 16 and 17 May San Sebastian/Donostia is hosting the first INCA scientific meeting. A year and a half after the project was launched, it is time to share and discuss the results obtained so far.

Under the title “Big Tech Emerging Power: Insights from the European Landscape”, more than 20 researchers involved in the project are participating in a full program that covers the main research axes of INCA.

The conference began yesterday by addressing the issue of the political power exercised by big tech companies. Throughout the day, aspects related to cultural and labour power were also analysed.

The meeting started by focusing on the platform alternatives and counterpowers, which led to a vivid discussion among partners about what alternatives actually are, and finished by defining the progress that the INCA project hopes to achieve in the coming months.

The meeting is proving to be very fruitful and has not only brought together researchers directly linked to INCA. It has also aroused the interest of people outside the project, such as those who yesterday connected online to the critical dialogue between Sandro Mezzadra and NicK Srnicek or the journalists who came to cover this first scientific meeting. Attracted by the research results about what European citizens feel about these tech giants, several media have interviewed the project coordinator Edoardo Mollona to go deeper into the topic.

The INCA team will continue grasping the ecosystemic nature of the Big Tech giants and developing proposals until the next meeting scheduled for 2025 in Lisbon!